Here is our Events Calendar! You can add it to your own calendar using this link! Climate Fresk events appear here!
April 2025
Thursday April 3
- 18:00 – 20:00
Stammtisch on OEH ElectionsFladerei Berggasse
Dear PhD students in natural sciences,
As our term comes to an end, we would like to organize our last Stammtisch, dedicated to the upcoming ÖH-elections. We would like to motivate and support you to step forward and nominate yourself for the 5 mandates of StV DokNawi – Studienvertretung Doktorat Naturwissenschaften (student representation of doctoral students in natural sciences).
🕖 Thursday April 3rd, 6pm
📍 Fladerei Berggasse, Berggasse 12, 1090 WienWhat you would get for that:
– Yearly budget of over 8000€ to spend on funding projects, events, people in need (including yourself by applying for Funktionsgebühr – a small monthly support for your service)
– ECTS points
– Advantages, such as extending study time tolerance or extending Studienbeihilfe
– The chance to cancel your high study fees in case of non-EU citizenship (eligible for the 1 chair of the total 5 mandates)– Impact on your local community, e.g. by participating in various working groups, such as Faculty and Study conferences
– In-depth knowledge of university structures
– Close contact to further resources of the Students Union (ÖH)
– Wonderful new friends for your diverse personal and professional networksDisclaimer: cannot confirm 100% the current status of all those points but almost like 99% sure 😀
Let’s discuss more in person, come and meet us on April 3rd, 18:00 o’clock in the Fladerei Berggasse, Berggasse 12, 1090 Wien.
Best wishes,
Your friendly neighbourhood student reps,
Laleh, Antoine, Ksenija, Hayk, Milos and Bruno