Here is our Events Calendar! You can add it to your own calendar using this link! Climate Fresk events appear here!

May 2024

Tuesday May 21

09:00 – 17:00
Science Engagement put into practice
Rachel Carson seminar room, Augasse 2-6, Staircase A, 5th floor

On May 21, an English-language workshop on “Science engagement put into practice” will take place in cooperation with the ScienceCenter network. Doctoral students (as well as completed PhDs and PostDocs) of the University of Vienna who are doing research in the field of environment and climate and are interested in communicating their research results beyond the scientific field can participate:
“Throughout the academic year, numerous opportunities arise to disseminate research and engage in dialogue with various audiences – whether at major events such as research nights, science festivals, and science slams, or through smaller outreach activities in schools, community centers, and museums. But how can research be made easily accessible and inspiring? What constitutes successful dialogue, and how can it be ensured that the exchange is enriching for all involved?
The Environment and Climate Research Hub at the University of Vienna invites researchers, Post-Docs and PhDs with a focus on environmental and climate research to a free, practice-oriented training for science engagement. This offers a unique opportunity to exchange communication ideas with experts and environmental researchers from various disciplines and delve into the following questions through practical examples from the field of environment and climate…”
More details:
Registration until the 7th of May:

Friday May 31

All Day
Climate Strike

This year is a real super election year with elections in the EU, Austria and the USA. Almost half of the world’s population goes to vote in 2024. In many states, anti-democratic forces are threatening to put democracy in danger, and it is therefore all the more important to get involved, to vote for this year and, above all, to mobilise others.
Therefore, a week before the EU elections, we are going to take to the streets together!